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i hope so its answer will be o(n) due to parallel computation.

using mpi we have to communicate one process to the another so mostly it will be like tat....

not sure...

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Q: What is the ''time complexity'' of matrix multiplication?
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The time complexity of the Strassen algorithm for matrix multiplication is O(n2.81).

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Transposing a matrix is O(n*m) where m and n are the number of rows and columns. For an n-row square matrix, this would be quadratic time-complexity.

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The time complexity of multiplication operations is O(n2) in terms of Big O notation.

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LAPACK efficiently handles matrix multiplication in numerical computations by utilizing optimized algorithms and techniques, such as blocking and parallel processing, to minimize computational complexity and maximize performance.

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That is true, matrix multiplication is not commutative.

What is the complexity of multiplication in terms of computational efficiency?

The complexity of multiplication refers to how efficiently it can be computed. Multiplication has a time complexity of O(n2) using the standard algorithm, where n is the number of digits in the numbers being multiplied. This means that as the size of the numbers being multiplied increases, the time taken to compute the result increases quadratically.

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