It is an even number.
An even number can be a multiple of an odd number OR an even number. An odd number cannot be a multiple of an even number.
If you add, subtract, or multiply two even numbers, you will get an even number. If you divide an even number by another even number, you may get an even number, an odd number, or even a fraction.
If you add an even number to an even number, you will have an even number as a result.
Any even number minus another even number is either even or zero. Any odd number minus another odd number is also either even or zero.
393d Bombardment Squadron, Heavy, 509th Composite Group.
509th Composite Group
The Enola Gay was a B-29 bomber assigned to the 509th Composite Group. The 509th trained extensively at Wendover Field, Utah, before deploying to the Marianas, where the nuclear missions originated on Tinian Island.
I believe it was Col Paul Tibbets. I will have to check and verify that.
393d Bomb Squadron, 509th Composite Group
In September 1944, he was selected to command the project at Wendover Army Air Field, Utah, that became the 509th Composite Group, in connection with the Manhattan Project.As commander of the 509th, he chose himself as the pilot to get the honor of being the pilot to deliver the first atomic bomb in combat.
If you multiply any even number by an even number, the product is an even number.
Yes, an even number plus an even number is always even. Also, and odd number plus an odd number is always even.
It is an even number.
Yes, an even number multiplied by an odd number or an even number will give you an even number.
An even number can be a multiple of an odd number OR an even number. An odd number cannot be a multiple of an even number.
It is even