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proper English metre American spelling meter

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Q: What is the American way to spell meter?
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What is the correct spelling of the word cancelling?

Cancelling is the way you spell it in British English and Canceling is how you spell it in American English.Cancelling is the way you spell it in British English and Canceling is how you spell it in American English.Cancelling is the way you spell it in British English and Canceling is how you spell it in American English.Cancelling is the way you spell it in British English and Canceling is how you spell it in American English.Cancelling is the way you spell it in British English and Canceling is how you spell it in American English.Cancelling is the way you spell it in British English and Canceling is how you spell it in American English.Cancelling is the way you spell it in British English and Canceling is how you spell it in American English.Cancelling is the way you spell it in British English and Canceling is how you spell it in American English.Cancelling is the way you spell it in British English and Canceling is how you spell it in American English.Cancelling is the way you spell it in British English and Canceling is how you spell it in American English.Cancelling is the way you spell it in British English and Canceling is how you spell it in American English.

How do you spell meter in the Canadian way?

The correct way is 'METRE'. The American 'mispell' the word as 'meter'. Similaryl 'centre/center'. Note the order of the suffic 'r' & 'e'.

How many meter are equivalent to 400 centimeter?

That is 4 metres. -The meaning of 'cent ' is 100. - So there are 100 cm in a metre. ( and note, I spell it the correct way. Americans spell it their way )

Can zoey be spelled Zoe?

Zoe is the british way to spell it, Zoey is the American way.

How do Canadians spell meter?

They spell it as metre, you are right :)

What is Mollie King's favorite colour?

that is not how you spell color Actually, you can spell it like that its just the American way.

How are theater and theater different?

They are both places you go to watch movies and plays. Theater is the American English way to spell it. Theatre is the British English way to spell it.

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The English spelling is enrolment. The American spelling is enrollment.

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Two ways. Colour Color = american way.

Which way do you spell flavor or flavor?

In British English it is spelled flavour, and in American English it is flavor.

What is bigger a meter or an American yard?

An American yard is slightly longer than a meter. One American yard is equivalent to 0.9144 meters.

How do you spell fluoroescent in British English?

Fluorescent is spelt the same way in both American as well as British English.