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C in this case refers to the Circumference of the circle, a special way of saying its perimeter. The r refers to the radius of the circle which is the distance from the center to any point on the circle. These two are proportional.

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Q: What is the C in the equation 2 pi r equals C?
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Is c equals 2πr the same as c equals πr squared?

No. C = 2*pi*r is the equation representing the circumference of a circle. The area of a circle is equal to pi*(r^2).

What fraction of a circumference equals the radius?

2r(pi)=C where C is circumference. Therefore the radius equals C/2(pi)

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the equation to find circumference is C=2*pi*radius so when you have a radius of 18 inches, C=113.097

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the answer is c, pi

How do you find the radius using the circumference?

The equation for circumfrance is 2(pi)r (pi meaning the constant 3.14159, rounded). To find the radius if the circumfrance is known, you would re-arrange this equation to solve for r - it would go from C=2(pi)r into r=C/2(pi). c = circumference, r = radius. If the circumference is 2*pi*r, then r = c/(2*pi)=

What is the equation to get circumference of a circle if you have diameter?

Circumference = Pi x Diameter (Pi equals 3.14)

Is c equals ab to the second power a equation or expression?

It is an equation ... Anything with an equals is an equation 2+b=6 Anything without an equals is an expression 2+a

What is the circumference of radius equals 90 FT?

C = pi*r82 C = Pi*r*2 90=R Thus 180*Pi

If the radius equals 2cm what is the circumference?

C = 2 * (pi) * (radius) So plug in 2 for radius C = 2 * (pi) * (2) C= 4(pi) If you need to approximate multiply 4 times 3.14. If you do not need to approximate then your answer is 4(pi)

What is the equation to find the circumference of a circle?

The formula is pi x the diameter of the circle, which is also pi x (2 x the radius) C = pi * D C = pi * 2r

How do you figure the radius if you have the circumference?

The circumference C of a circle can be written as C = 2 x pi x r, where r is the radius. Thus, to get C, you divide both sides of the equation with 2 x pi and get r = C/(2 x pi).

What is the circumference of r equals 3.20?

C=2(pi)(r) therefore if r equals 3.20 then C=20.1061929