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The maximum amount of insurance an insurer can retain before ceding business to a reinsurer. The maximum amount may depend on the insured's age, health, coverage in force, as well as the insurance company's financial condition.

An insurer cannot retain a risk exceeding 10% of its surplus to policyholders. However, it may write insurance on a risk exceeding this amount if it enters into a reinsurance agreement or treaty with another insurer who agrees to insure the portion of the risk exceeding the retention limit. In the event of a total loss, the insurer would pay the portion of the claim up to its limit and the reinsurer would pay the rest.

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Q: What is the Concept of a Retention Limit?
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A retention limit is the same as a deductible. Deductibles or retention limits are part of the policy. Insurance companies don't just make up deductibles. Usually clients choose higher deductibles in exchange for lower premiums. The same goes for retention limits, in that the higher retention limit a client is willing to accept on their own the lower the premium charged to that client by the insurance company.

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