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It can be difficult to remember all mathematical terms and their meanings. The limit concept is the value that a function or sequence approaches as the input approaches a value.Ê

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Q: What is the meaning of the limit concept in the mathematical context?
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There is no limit in a number. There is however a mathematical concept known as a limit but this applies to functions. For instance: The limit of f(n)=(1/n) as n goes to infinity is 0. The limit of f(n)=(n/n) as n goes to infinity is 1.

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The acronym CLT commonly stands for "Central Limit Theorem," a fundamental concept in statistics that states regardless of the shape of the population distribution, the sampling distribution of the sample mean will be approximately normally distributed for large sample sizes.

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In mathematical terms there is no limit. In practical terms, construction techniques and the structural strength of materials will impose some limit.

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The concept of reasonable limits refers to the boundaries that are considered acceptable in a given situation based on factors such as legality, ethics, and practicality. When setting reasonable limits, it is important to balance individual freedoms with societal needs in a fair and consistent manner. These limits may vary depending on the context, such as in law enforcement, personal relationships, or workplace policies.

What part of speech is limit?

Either a noun or a verb, depending on the context.

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"Batas" in English translates to "border" or "limit," depending on the context in which it is used.

What is maxium?

"Maximum" refers to the highest value or limit that a particular quantity can reach. It signifies the greatest amount, extent, or level that is possible within a specific context.