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The natural log of a number is some other number such that if you take e (2.718281828...) and raise it to that other number you would get the first number. Another way to say this is that a natural log is a log with base e.

The common log of a number is some other number such that if you take 10 and raise it to that other number you would get the first number.

The natural log base, e, is a special transcendental number, chosen so that the derivative (respect to x) of ex is equal to ex . In other words, the slope of a tangent line to the curve y = ex at point (x, ex) is equal to ex for all x

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Q: What is the Difference between a natural log and a log with base 10?
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What is difference between natural logarithm and log base 10?

The natural logarithm is calculated to base e, where e is Euler's constant. For any number, x loge(x) = log10(x)/log10(e)

How do you make natural log to log with base of 10?

To make a natural log a log with the base of 10, you take ten to the power of you natural log. Ex: ln15=log10ln15=log510.5640138 I'm sorry if you don't have a calculator that can do this, but this will work.

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Ans: A natural log function ALWAYS has base e ( e is the irrational number that is the sum of the infinite series 2 + 1 / 2! + 1 /3! + 1 /4! + . . . )

What 100 is to 2 in base 10?

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What is the difference between log and ln?

Log is a logarithm with any arbitrary base, for example log_10 100=2. Ln is a logarithm with a base of e(Euler's number), which is 2.71828 18284 59045 23536...

Natural Logarithm?

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The natural logarithm (ln) is used when you have log base e

What is the difference between log on and log in?

in most cases they are the same

What is the logarithm of 1.0882?

Ever heard of calculator?? log to base 10 = 0.0367087, natural log, 0.08452495

Why does a difference of point 3 units in the logarithm represents a difference of a factor of 2 between two numbers?

Because log(2) to the base 10 is 0.3010 which is approx 0.3. Using logs changes a multiplicative difference [factor of 2] to an additive difference [of log(2)].

Derivative of log?

The derivative of a log is as follows: 1 divided by xlnb Where x is the number beside the log Where b is the base of the log and ln is just the natural log.