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because of the revolution that made people die in Denmark

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Q: Why does Denmark have a higher crude death rate then Bolivia?
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Why does Denmark have higher crude death rate than Bolivia?

Denmark has a higher crude death rate because of its greater population. The greater population the more deaths that will occur.

What stage is Denmark in the demographic transition?

Stage 4; the same as most Western European countries.

What is the death rate in Bolivia?

2010- Bolivia 6.95 about 7

What is the Difference between crude death rate and actual death rate?

Death Rate is the actual rate of death where Crude Death Rate is a guess on the death rate.

In 1995 the US and Canada had a higher crude death rate than Mexico because they?

Had aging populations dying of natural causes.

Crude death rate in Europe?


What does it mean if a country has a crude birth rate and a crude death death rate?

In that country, a lot of children are born and a lot of people die over average.

What does the word natural increase mean?

Is the crude birth rate minus the crude death rate of a population

What is the difference between birth rate and crude birth rate?

Crude birth rate is how many live children are born. Crude death rate is how many people die. Crude death minus crude birth is the net gain (or loss) and is called the birth rate. It represents whether or not deceased people are "replaced".

What is the crude death rate in Honduras?

are u human

Why did rosencrantz and Guildenstern go to Denmark?

They went to Denmark to deliver a note telling Denmark to ensure the death of Hamlet.

What are some of Bolivia's attractions?

The Death road, Salar de Uyuni