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a car traveling at 35mi/h is to stop on a 35-m long shoulder of the road.

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Q: What is the Equation for deceleration?
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What is the term which means to change speed?

Acceleration or deceleration

Is deceleration and retardation same?

"Deceleration" is a decrease in speed, however you are still going in the SAME direction so it is POSITIVE. "Retardation" is going in the OPPOSITE direction, therefore it is NEGATIVE.

How do you measure or calculate deceleration during a collision?

In a controlled test condition (like crash tests on cars) an accelerometer is used to measure the rate of deceleration. It should be possible to estimate the deceleration following a collision if the speed of the vehicles at the moment of the collision is known. We could do this by measuring the amount the car was crushed/dented during the collision. We know the vehicle decelerated from its starting speed over this distance so we can estimate the average deceleration. I believe there are more sophisticated techniques used by accident investigators. As an aside, in strict physics terminology, slowing down (as well as any other change in velocity) is acceleration, not deceleration however deceleration is often used to imply a reduction in speed in every day English. If you want to get into this further have a look at "Are speed and velocity the same?" and remember that acceleration is also a vector.

What does a flat line represent on a speed time graph?

Motion at a constant speed - no acceleration or deceleration.

Is it true that a negative acceleration always means that a moving object is decelerating?

Yes. That is what the term deceleration means.

Related questions

Is deceleration a form acceleration?

Acceleration and deceleration are both the rate at which velocity changes, Deceleration is a negative acceleration. In an equation the rate of deceleration is shown as a negative acceleration valueCentripetal acceleration is different and represents the rate of change of tangential velocity. There is no equivalent centripetal deceleration.

How is deceleration symbolized?

Deceleration can be symbolized as a negative value in an equation or graph, indicating a decrease in speed or velocity. It can also be represented by a downward sloping line on a velocity-time graph, showing a decrease in velocity over time.

What is deceleration uniformly accelerated?

Deceleration uniformly accelerated refers to a situation where an object is slowing down at a constant rate over time. This type of deceleration occurs when the object experiences a constant external force in the direction opposite to its motion, causing its velocity to decrease at a steady rate. The deceleration can be calculated using the equation a = (Vf - Vi) / t, where a is the deceleration, Vf is the final velocity, Vi is the initial velocity, and t is the time taken.

What will the stopping distance be for a 3000kg car if -3000 N of force are applied when the car is traveling 10ms?

The stopping distance can be calculated using the equation: stopping distance = (initial velocity^2) / (2 * deceleration). The deceleration can be calculated using the formula: deceleration = force / mass. Plugging in the values and calculating will give you the stopping distance.

A bullet hits a wall with a velocity of 20ms and penetrates it upto a distance of 5cmfind the deceleration of the bullet in the wall?

To find the deceleration of the bullet, you can use the equation of motion (v^2 = u^2 + 2as), where (v) is the final velocity (0 m/s as bullet stops), (u) is the initial velocity (20 m/s), (a) is the acceleration (deceleration), and (s) is the distance (5 cm = 0.05 m). Rearranging the equation to solve for acceleration gives you (a = \frac{{v^2 - u^2}}{2s}). Plugging in the values, you can calculate the deceleration of the bullet.

What is the abbreviation for deceleration?

The abbreviation for deceleration is decel. Another common abbreviation for deceleration is dec. There is not a standard abbreviation in place for deceleration.

What the definition of deceleration?

The definition for deceleration is: a decrease in rate of change; for example: "The deceleration of the arms race."

If a car moving at an initial velocity of 19 meters per sec has a stopping distance of 31 meters what is the magnitude of its acceleration?

To find the acceleration, we first need to determine the deceleration since the car is stopping. Using the equation of motion ( v^2 = u^2 + 2as ), where ( v = 0 ) m/s (final velocity), ( u = 19 ) m/s (initial velocity), ( s = 31 ) m (stopping distance), we can find the deceleration. Then, since acceleration is the magnitude of deceleration, the answer would be the calculated deceleration value.

What came first the deceleration of independence or the constitution?

deceleration of independence

What will the stopping distance be for 3000-kg car if -3000 N of force are applied when the car is traveling 10ms?

To calculate stopping distance, you need to know the deceleration of the car. Here, deceleration can be calculated using Newton's second law: deceleration = force / mass. With the given force of -3000 N and mass of 3000 kg, the deceleration would be -1 m/s^2. Using the equation of motion, final velocity^2 = initial velocity^2 + 2 * acceleration * distance, you can calculate the stopping distance.

What will the stopping distance be for a 3000-kg car if -3000 N of force are applied when the car is traveling 10 ms?

To calculate the stopping distance, we need to know the deceleration of the car, which can be determined using the equation force = mass x acceleration. In this case, the deceleration would be -1 m/s^2. Using the equation stopping distance = (initial velocity)^2 / (2 x acceleration), we find the stopping distance to be 50 meters.

A plane traveling at 80 ms lands on a runway and comes to rest after 10 seconds What was the plane's deceleration?

The plane's deceleration can be calculated using the equation: acceleration = change in velocity / time taken. The plane's initial velocity is 80 m/s, final velocity is 0 m/s, and time taken is 10 seconds. Therefore, the deceleration is 8 m/s^2.