It means the speed doesn't change. Stated in different terms, the acceleration is zero.It means the speed doesn't change. Stated in different terms, the acceleration is zero.It means the speed doesn't change. Stated in different terms, the acceleration is zero.It means the speed doesn't change. Stated in different terms, the acceleration is zero.
Acceleration or dv/dt
§Constant speed means that the speed of the object under consideration is not changing, the direction of movement may or may not change.
No. Acceleration is the change in velocity(speed) over a period time.=====================================Another contributor bristled:Sorry. Velocity and speed are not two different words for the same thing.Velocity means speed and direction, and acceleration means any change in velocity.If the speed is constant but the direction is changing ... like turning a corner or drivingon a circular track ... then velocity is changing, and there is acceleration.
It means a term that cannot ever change, no matter what happens to the equation that it is part of.All numbers are considered constant terms.
Acceleration means change in speed over time.
It means the speed doesn't change. Stated in different terms, the acceleration is zero.It means the speed doesn't change. Stated in different terms, the acceleration is zero.It means the speed doesn't change. Stated in different terms, the acceleration is zero.It means the speed doesn't change. Stated in different terms, the acceleration is zero.
It means any change in -- speed -- direction -- or both. Constant or 'uniform' motion means steady speed in a straight line.
Speed is the rate of movement in any direction based on change in position for a change in time. Velocity is a change in speed. It is also a change in direction while the speed does not have to change.
Speed is the rate of movement in any direction based on change in position for a change in time. Velocity is a change in speed. It is also a change in direction while the speed does not have to change.
what does the term change of state mean
"Acceleration" means a change of speed or direction. If the direction of your motion changes, then there is acceleration, even if your speed doesn't change.
Acceleration refers to any change in speed, direction, or both. It can be either an increase or decrease in speed, a change in direction, or a combination of both.
Acceleration or dv/dt
A change in velocity means a change in speed or direction. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both the speed and the direction of motion, so any change in velocity involves altering one or both of these components.