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Q: What is the Example of inverse relationship?
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How can you know if a graph represents a proportional relationship?

It is a relationship of direct proportion if and only if the graph is a straight line which passes through the origin. It is an inverse proportional relationship if the graph is a rectangular hyperbola. A typical example of an inverse proportions is the relationship between speed and the time taken for a journey.

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Can you give a sentence using the word inverse?

The inverse relationship between supply and demand means that as prices increase, demand tends to decrease.

What is the opposite of an inverse relationship?

The opposite is a direct relationship.

What is a inverse realtionship?

In an inverse relationship, one variable decreases while the other increases. As an equation, a basic inverse relationship looks like x = 1/y.

What is a direct relationship as compared to inverse relationship?

The opposite mathematical relationship.

What is an inverse relationship?


Example of Inverse?

-2 is the additive inverse of +2

Can a multiplicative be divided?

No. A "multiplicative" is an adjective, not a noun. For example a multiplicative inverse, or a multiplicative relationship, or multiplicative model. It is not a number and cannot be divided.

How can you tell if a graph has a direct relationship and an inverse relationship?

If the graph shows a direct relationship, then the line will go up. If it shows an inverse relationship, the line will go down. A direct relationship means that as one variable increases, so does the other. On a graph, this means that as we move out along one axis, we also move out along the other. An inverse relationship means that as one variable increases, the other one decreases. So, for example, as we move to the right (X increasing), we have to move down (Y decreasing).