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In order to comply with the American Disabilities Act (ADA), the maximum ramp gradient is 1:20

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Q: What is the FAA requirement for the maximum slope of a passenger boarding ramp?
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As a curve approaches a maximum point the slope will do what?

The slope of the tangent line at the maximum point of the curve is zero. So we say that as a curve point approaches to the maximum point, the slope of the tangent line at that point approaches to zero.

Maximum slope of an ADA ramp?

The maximun slope of an ADA ramp is 8.3% or 12:1.

What is slope requirement in shower pan?

The slope requirement in a shower pan is typically a minimum of 1/4 inch per foot (or 2% slope) towards the drain. This means that the surface of the shower pan must have a gradual slope towards the drain to ensure proper drainage of water and prevent standing water that can lead to mold, mildew, and other issues. The slope requirement may vary depending on the specific building code or manufacturer's recommendations, so it's important to consult the relevant guidelines and instructions before installing a shower pan. Additionally, the slope should be checked and adjusted as necessary during installation to ensure it meets the required specifications.

What is the optimum point on a graph?

The maximum. At this point the slope will be 0.

What are 3 sports that are taken part on a ski slope?

snow boarding,skiing,sitting in the lodge with a cup of hot chocolate.

What is the maximum rip rap slope?

26 percent or 1v:2h

How do you find maximum speed in a time position graph?

To find the maximum speed in a time-position graph, you would need to locate the steepest slope or the point with the highest gradient on the graph. This slope represents the highest rate of change in position over time, which corresponds to the maximum speed.

What is the maximum slope for 4 inch sewer pipe?

1/8th per inch

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None of them.

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The maximum number of drainage fixture unit on a 2" drain line depends on the slope of the drain line. 21 units are allowed if the slope is 1/4' per foot, and 26 units are allowed if the slope of the line is 1/2" per foot.

What is the maximum slope for a car ramp?

it depends...a ramp with transitions at top and bottom can be steeper than one without, because severe change in slope can cause the vehicle to bottom out.

What will happen to the speed of the ball at the bottom of the slope?

The speed of the ball will increase at the bottom of the slope due to the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy as it rolls downhill. Assuming no external forces are acting on the ball, it will be traveling at its maximum speed at the bottom of the slope.