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Q: What is the Formula for a 5 and 2 work schedule?
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How many years equals 732 work days?

Assuming a typical work schedule of 5 days per week for a full year, 732 work days would be approximately equal to 2 years and 11 months.

Is caffeine a schedule 5 drug?

Schedule 5

What is the condensed formula for 5-isopropyl-2-methylheptane?

This formula is C11H24.

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Schedule 5.

What the formula l for 2 plus 2 equals 5?

2+2=4 4+1=5

What is the distance formula between 2 6 and 5 2?

(Distance)2 = (2 - 5)2 + (6 - 2)2

How many joules of work are done when a force of 2 newtons moves an object 2.5 meters?

The work done can be calculated using the formula: Work = Force x Distance. In this case, the work done would be 2 N x 2.5 m = 5 Joules.

Whats the work schedule for a chiropractor?

The schedule for chiropractors differ depending on the office. Some chiropractors work for themselves, and take appointments seven days a week. Other chiropractors have a Monday through Friday, 9 to 5 drop office.

What kind of work schedule might being an airline technician require?

about 5 days a week and about 8 hours a day

Can one collect unemployment insurance when the employer changes work shift to one that you can not work?

It depends on the State laws regarding unemployment. If they change your schedule to a schedule that is not customarily worked in your field, then you may have a claim. However, if you refuse to work that schedule and file for unemployment they can deny you based on your availability. For example, if you are a Cocktail Waitress and you work the day shift and they switch you to the night shift, then this is a shift that a normal Cocktail Waitress can work. If you quit, then unemployment will say, " are a Cocktail Waitress & cannot work this schedule...DENIED." However, if you are an 8-5 Office Worker and your employer decides that they want to change your schedule to the night shift, then you could possibly win this claim because the hours are not customary to a normal office workers schedule.

What is the formula for red 40?

Red 40 is disodium 6-hydroxy-5-((2-methoxy-5-methyl-4-sulfophenyl)azo)-2-naphthalenesulfonate with the chemical formula C18H14N2Na2O8S2.

What is one half times 8 times 5?

the answer is 20. the formula is 1/2 * 8 * 5 then this will be 8 * 5 /2 = 40/2 20.