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180 - interior angle = exterior angle

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Q: What is the Formula to find out exterior angle of a hexagon?
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Find the measure of each exterior angle of a hexagon?

Providing that it is a regular hexagon then each exterior angle will measure 60 degrees

What is the sum of the interior angle measures of a regular hexagon?

The 6 inside angles of a hexagon add up to 720 degrees

How do you find the measure of each exterior angle of a regular hexagon?

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Find the measure of one exterior angle of a regular hexagon?

Hexagon has 6 sides so 360/6 = 60 degrees interior angle therefore exterior angle = 360 - 60 = 300 degrees

What is the formula to find the measurement of exterior angles of a hexagon?

For any n-sided regular polygon the exterior angles are 360/n degrees.

What is the formula to find interior angles?

Exterior Angle = 360/number of sides. Interior Angle = 180 - Exterior Angle. Combining Interior Angle = 180 - (360/number of sides).

What is the measure of the interior angle and the exterior angle of a regular polygon with 24 sides?

Firstly, we have to find exterior angle .To find exterior angle we have to use this formula 360/n (n = number of sides). ex:n=24,you have to do this-->360/24 that is equal to 15.So, the exterior angle of a 24 sized figure is 15o.Now, we have to find interior angle.To find interior angle we have to use this formula 180 -exterior angle.ex:180-15=165.So, dude did you understand and now you dough is cleared .Strike off the dough.

How do you find exterior angle?

the hypotenuse is the exterior angle

What is the interior and exterior angle of a regular hexagon?

Imagine the angle you want to find is part of a circle - 360 degrees. Since a hexagon has 6 sides, you have to divide 360 by 6. This gives you 60. 60 degrees is the size of the exterior angle. You should know that a straight line is 180 degrees. So all you have to do is take away 60 from 180, giving you an answer of 120 degrees. This is the size of your interior angle.

What is the smallest angle through which you can rotate a regular hexagon onto itself?

60 degrees. You find this by taking 360 and dividing by the total sides (6) which leaves you with the degrees of the exterior angles, this exterior angle is how little you can rotate any polygon for that matter.

Find the sum of the interior measures of a regular hexagon?

Each interior angle of a regular hexagon measures 120 degrees. It has a total of 720 degrees of interior angles and a total of 360 degrees of exterior angles.

How do you find a exterior angle?

180-interior angle = exterior angle If it's a regular polygon then: 360/number of sides = exterior angle