To find the HCF of two numbers you first need to identify their prime factors. In this case we have:
11 = 11
9 = 3x3
The next step would be to identify any common prime factors. In this case there are none. Thus the hcf of 11 and 9 is simply 1.
HCF is the highest common factor of two or more numbers. As they 9 and 11 are co-primes hence HCF is 1.
what is the HCF for 11 33 121
9 since 9 * 3 = 27 and 9 * 11 = 99
The GCF is 11.
9= 3x3 12= 2x2x2x2x3 HCF = 3
The GCF is 9.
The GCF is 9.
The HCF is 1.
The HCF is 1.