It is: 15
For any two counting numbers x and y:LCM(x, y) x HCF(x, y) = Product of x and yLCM(x, y) = (Product of x and y)/HCF(x, y)Here, we have 108 and 135 & their product = 108 x 135But, HCF(108, 135) = ?So, we shall first calculate HCF by the method of prime factorization.108 = 33x22 & 135 = 33x51It is clear that 33 is the HCF of 108 and 135.So, LCM(108, 135) = (108 x 135)/33 = 4 x 135 = 540
The Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 99 is 99. This is because 99 is a prime number, meaning it only has two factors: 1 and 99. Since there are no other common factors between 99 and any other number, the HCF remains 99.
The GCF is 15.
Find the HCF of 135 and 165 prime factor method
The GCF/HCF of 117 and 135 is 9.
The HCF is 9
The LCM is 1485.
99 * 1 = 99 * 15 = 135
The HCF is: 45