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Q: What is the Hardy- Weinberg theorem and formula?
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If a new allele appears in the population the Hardy Weinberg formula?

If a new allele appears in a population, the Hardy-Weinberg formula cannot be used. This is because there is now no equilibrium.

Which one of the statements presents a condition of the Hardy-Weinberg principle?

The statement that allele frequencies remain constant from generation to generation if certain conditions are met presents a condition of the Hardy-Weinberg principle.

What are the conditions of the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium?

Conditions of the Hardy-Weinberg EquilibriumRandom matingNo natural selectionNo gene flow (migrations)Large population sizeNo mutations

What is it called when a population is not evolving?

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

What happens when a population is in Hardy Weinberg's experiments?


What question did hardy and Weinberg want an answer?

Hardy and Weinberg wanted to answer the question of how genetic variation is maintained in a population over time. They developed the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium principle, which describes the expected frequencies of alleles in a population that is not undergoing any evolutionary changes.

What condition of the hardy-weinberg law is never met?


Who developed the principle of genetic equilibrium?

Hardy-Weinberg Principle.

What happens when a population is hardy Weinberg?

the phenotype frequency does not change

What is of the conditions for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

Mutation cannot occur

What did hardy and Weinberg want to answer?

How does allele frequency change between generations?~

What question did hardy and Weinberg to answer?

How does allele frequency change between generations?~