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L'Hospitals rule states that for a function f(x) = g(x)/h(x)

if the limit of g'(x)/h'(x) exists and is equal to a value, then the lmit of f(x) is also equal to that value.

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Q: What is the L' Hospital's rule and the Mclaurin series in calculus how to use it to find the limits n derivatives?
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Related questions

What do you learn in calculus?

In Calculus, you learn Limits, Derivatives, Anti-Derivatives and all their applications!

What is the formula for derivatives?

this site has info/formulas about derivatives and limits:

What are the practical applications of limits of function?

well derivatives cannt be used without limits so it is application for calculus

What are the related lessons in basic calculus?

Basic calculus usually starts with limits. After that you continue with derivatives, and eventually you get to do integration.

What Is The Importance Of Limits And Continuity?

Those are among the most fundamental concepts in calculus; they are used to define derivatives and integrals.

What is limits in calculus?

In calculus, a limit is a value that a function or sequence approaches as the input values get closer and closer to a particular point or as the sequence progresses to infinity. It is used to define continuity, derivatives, and integrals, among other concepts in calculus. Calculus would not be possible without the concept of limits.

Why is calculus described as understanding something by looking at small pieces?

Both derivatives and integrals - two of the most important concepts in calculus - are defined in terms of limits; specifically, what happens when something gets smaller and smaller.

What is the definition of Calculus?

You might think of it as the study of instantaneous change. It is the study of limits, derivatives, integrals, and sums of infinite series. The word can also mean a system of calculation, such as with the predicate calculus, which is nothing more than symbolic logic.

What is a calaculus?

Calculus is a branch of mathematics focused on limits, functions, derivatives, integrals, and infinite series. There are two major branches, integral calculus and differential calculus, which are related by the fundamental theorem of calculus.To perform most calculations in calculus, one typically needs a computer or a calculator.There is an article on calculus in the Journal of Irreproducible Results that explains this more fully.

How did Sir Isaac Newton use algebra?

Sir Isaac Newton used algebra in his development of calculus, specifically in the study of limits, derivatives, and integrals. He applied algebraic techniques to solve complex problems in physics and mathematics, laying the foundation for modern calculus.

What comes to mind when you hear the word calculus?

The first thing that come up into my mind is numbers, calculation, integrals and derivatives

What are the foundation of differential calculus and integral calculus?

The foundation, in both cases, is the concept of limits. Calculus may be said to be the "study of limits". You can apply a lot of calculus in practice without worrying too much about limits; but then we would be talking about practical applications, not about the foundation.