

What is the LCM of 98 and 120?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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Multiples of 98 are- 98,196,294,392,490,588,686,784,882, 980,1078,1176,1274,1372,1470,1568,1666,1764,1862, 1960, 2058,2156,2254 ,2352, 2540,2548,2646,2744,2842,2940,3038,3136,3234,3332,3430,

3528, 3626,3724, 3822,3920, 4018, 4116, 4214,4312 ,4410,4508 ,4606, 4704,4802, 4900,4998,5096,5194,5292,5390,5488, 5586,5684, 5782,5880

Multiples of 120 are- 120,240,360,480,600,720,840,960, 1080,1200,1320,1440,1560,1680,1800,1920, 2040,2160,2280,2400, 2520, 2640, 2760, 2880, 3000, 3120,3240,3360,3480, 3600,3720, 3840,3960,4080,4200, 4320,4440, 4560, 4680,4800,4920,5040,5160,5280,5400,5520, 5640,5760, 5880

The LCM is 5880.

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