The LCM is 12.
The LCM of 2 numbers can be one of those numbers when the large of the 2 numbers is 2 times the smaller one of those numbers. For example the LCM of 2 and 4 is 4. For example the LCM of 5 and 10 is 10.
To find the LCM of a set of numbers, you first need to work out their prime factors: 2=2 4=2x2 7=7 14=2x7 The next step is to identify any common factors. Three numbers have a 2, so two of these can be discarded. Also, two numbers have a 7, so one of these can be discarded. This leaves us with 2, 2 and 7. To find the LCM we simply multiply these numbers together: 2x2x7 = 28 Thus the LCM of 2, 4, 7 and 14 is 28.
If the other numbers are all factors of the greatest number, then that number will be the LCM. Example: 2, 4 & 8: both 2 and 4 are factors of 8, so 8 is the LCM. 2, 3 and 12: same thing, both 2 & 3 are factors of 12.
The LCM of 4 and 6 is 12.
The set of three numbers whose LCM (Least Common Multiple) is equal to the product of the numbers would be {1, 2, 2}. Here's how it works: LCM(1, 2, 2) = 2, which is also the product of the numbers (1 * 2 * 2 = 4).
The LCM is 12.
2 x 2 = 4 2 x 3 = 6 2 x 2 x 3 = 12, the LCM
The LCM of 2 numbers can be one of those numbers when the large of the 2 numbers is 2 times the smaller one of those numbers. For example the LCM of 2 and 4 is 4. For example the LCM of 5 and 10 is 10.
4. the LCM is whatever all 3 numbers can be multiplied into.
To find the LCM of a set of numbers, you first need to work out their prime factors: 2=2 4=2x2 7=7 14=2x7 The next step is to identify any common factors. Three numbers have a 2, so two of these can be discarded. Also, two numbers have a 7, so one of these can be discarded. This leaves us with 2, 2 and 7. To find the LCM we simply multiply these numbers together: 2x2x7 = 28 Thus the LCM of 2, 4, 7 and 14 is 28.
The LCM of the given three numbers is 12
2 and 4
They can be 4 and 7
4 and 9
The LCM is never less than the greatest number in the set. The LCM of 4 and 9 is 36.