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Q: What is the Largest 8 bit negative number which can be represented using 2s complement?
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What is the largest positive and largest negative decimal number that can be expressed as an 8-bit 2's complement binary number?


What is the largest magnitude negative signed number that can fit in 6 bits?

If the high-order bit is considered the sign bit then 100000 would represent the largest negative number (in 2's complement - used mostly in computers) which would be equivalent to -32 in decimal

Difference in 1's and 2's Complement?

1's Complement, has two different codes for the number 0 (+0 & -0), negative numbers are the simple binary complement of positive numbers, is symmetrical (same number of negative and positive numbers can be represented), adder/subtractor must implement wraparound carry from MSB to LSB to get correct answer2's Complement, has only one code for the number 0 (+0), negative numbers are 1 greater than the simple binary complement of positive numbers, is asymmetrical (one extra negative number than positive numbers), adder/subtractor is identical to a simple unsigned binary adder/subtractor without any special carry circuits needed

Is the largest negative 1?

The largest negative whole number is -1. The largest negative number including fractions would be -1/999999...

Explain the methods which are available to store negative numbers and how are they used. Which method is mainly used today and why?

signed magnitude, one bit indicates the sign of the number and the other bits indicate the positive magnitude of the number (this system has two representations for zero: +0 and -0)one's complement, positive numbers are represented as their positive magnitude and negative numbers are represented as the complement of their positive magnitude (this system has two representations for zero: +0 and -0)two's complement, positive numbers are represented as their positive magnitude and negative numbers are represented as the complement of their positive magnitude plus one (this system is asymmetric about zero, with one more negative value than positive)offset binary, numbers are represented as the positive sum of their actual value and an offset (this system is asymmetric about zero, typically with one more negative value than positive)Most modern systems use two's complement for fixed point numbers (because the arithmetic circuitry is simpler than the others) and a combination of signed magnitude and offset binary for floating point numbers (because this format allows the same instructions for comparing fixed point numbers to also be used to compare floating point numbers, reducing the number of different instructions and the circuitry to implement them),

What is the largest number using 12279?

Using the digits 12279, the largest number that can be represented is 97,221.

What is the 2's complement of -24?


What is the largest number that can be represented as binary?

Infinity - 1

How to subtract the hexadecimal number 1245 from D257 using two's complement addition method?

You take 1245 and form the two's complement of it then add it to D257. The two's complement of a number is defined as the 1's complement + 1. In signed two's complement arithmetic, the most significant bit is the "sign" bit. 1 indicates a negative number and 0 indicates a positive number. To find the magnitude of a negative number, take it's two's complement (ignoring carry bits). To get the two's complement of 1245, take the 1's complement of 1245 and add 1. In binary 1245 is 0001001001000101. The one's complement is 1110110110111010 (in hex that's EDBA) . Adding 1 to this will give you the two's complement. That is EDBA+0001 (ignore the carry if any), is EDBB. Now you add EDBB to D257 and ignore any carry, so that will be 1C012 (throw away the carry bit), C012. C012 is a negative number (the sign bit, the most significant bit, is 1). To find its magnitude, apply the two's complement algorithm above, and you'll find it to be -16365. Note: D257 is a negative number, and you're subracting a positive number, so you're going to end up with another negative number, i.e. adding the two's complement of a number is the same thing as subtracting the number. You can check your result by doing the math in decimal to see if it adds up. D257 in decimal = -11688 (you apply the two's complement to the number to find the magnitude, and the sign is negative because the sign bit, the most signficant bit is 1). 1245 in decimal = 4677. -11688-4677 = -16365 (which in hex signed two's complement is C012).

What is the highest decimal number that can be represented by eight binary digits using two's compliment?

Since you mention two's complement, we have to assume that you are dealing with positive and negative numbers which means that the highest order bit is the sign bit. So the maximum positive number would be hex 7F which is equivalent to 127 and the maximum negative number would be -128

What is the 8-bit sign-and-magnitude representation of the decimal number -2?


What is the biggest negative number?

-1 is the largest negative integer.