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-1 is the largest negative integer.

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Q: What is the biggest negative number?
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Why is negative one the biggest negative number?

Negative one is the biggest negative number because it is just one unit away from zero and all other negative whole numbers are further from zero and thus smaller.

Which is the smallest -17 21 -47 or -6?

Here's how to figure these out. First, which is the biggest number (ignore the sign for now). Got it? Okay, now if it has a negative sign in front, that's your smallest number. In the list above, the biggest number does indeed have a negative sign, so it's your smallest. If it doesn't, then it's your biggest number. A negative sign turns your biggest into your smallest. The smallest number is either the positive number that is closest to zero in a list, or if the list has negative numbers, then it is the biggest negative number (that would make it the farthest away from zero).

What is a negative plus a positive?

When adding a negative number to a positive number, you are essentially subtracting the absolute value of the negative number from the positive number. The result will have the sign of the number with the greater absolute value. For example, -3 + 5 would be equivalent to 5 - 3, which equals 2.

Is a positive number plus a negative number positive or negative?

you subtract and then put the biggest number's sign , for example:2+-3=-1, i subtrct 3-2 and the result is 1 then i put the biggest number sign which the biggest is 3 and it's sign is - so i put - \ so the final result is -1 .

What is the minimum of any numbers?

If they are all positive, then it is the smallest of the set of numbers. If any of them are negative, it is the most negative = the biggest number with a negative sign before it.

Which is the smallest -4 -3 -1 or -10?

the biggest negative number is the smallest -10

Is 5 the biggest number in the world?

no, numbers go up to infinity and down to negative infinity.

Is the number 0 the smallest number?

no 0 isn't the smallest number because there are negative numbers so there really is no biggest number nor smallest number

-3 plus 5?

two. 5+-3 you find the difference in the absolute value (the distance from zero), and whichever is the biggest (positive or negative), goes into that form of integer. other tip: -number + -number= a negative

Is negative 1 the biggest number in the world?

Well... I think it is a 'yes' HOOWOWOOOWW?????/???/ Because it takes FOREVER to count to -1.

What is the negative of a negative number?

The negative of a negative number is a positive number.

A positive number and negative do you subtract?

When you are subtracting a negative from a positive or a positive from a negative, you change subtraction to addition and change the sign of the next value. example: (-23)-(-12).......change it to........(-23)+12 Then you subtract the bigger number from the smaller number. Don't worry about the negative signs just pretend that the numbers are both positve. Example: 23-12=11 Then you take the sign of the biggest number. example: 23 was the bigger number and it was negative so the answer is -11 Hope this helped!