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The NDC number is a National Drug Code unique identifier number used on medications approved for human use.

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Q: What is the NDC number on medications?
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What is the full meaning of NDC?

NDC in what context?Name Daemon ControlNew Dimension ComputingNational Datacomm Corporation........... NDC National Data Corporation NDC National Defence Council NDC National Directory for Catechesis NDC National Disability Council (UK) NDC Natural Death Centre (UK) NDC Normalized Device Coordinate (computer graphics) NDC National Distribution Centers NDC Name Daemon Control Program (command allowing the system administrator to control the operation of a name) NDC Nansen Dialogue Center (Skopje, Republic of Macedonia) NDC Nuclear Data Center NDC Naval Doctrine Command NDC National Distribution Company NDC National Dialogue Council (Iraq) NDC NATO Deployable Corps NDC National Dispatch Center, Inc. NDC National Development Conference (various nations) NDC National Democratic Committee NDC Northeast Dairy Compact NDC SMK Notre Dame Convent (Malaysia) NDC Number of Different Crops NDC Network Design & Construction Ltd. NDC Notification of Document Change NDC National Disaster Coalition NDC New Digital Cinema NDC Non Dutiable Charge NDC Non-Destructive Cleaning NDC Nordic Consulting Group NDC Notched Diametral Compression NDC National Diamond Center (Israel) NDC NCR Direct Connection NDC National Distribution Circuit NDC Neighborhood Design Center of Maryland, Inc. NDC Neurological Diagnostic Center NDC Neighbourhood Development Coordinator NDC Nondiploar Content NDC Non-Designated Country NDC Northampton Development Center (NDC Railroad) NDC Network Dialing Code NDC National Development Council, Inc. NDC National Depository Center (various locations) NDC New Drug Candidate NDC National Democratic Club (Washington, DC) NDC Non-Dairy Creamer (food product)

Who is the chairman of NDC?

prime minister

What is used to identify a specific drug batch and can be used to recall drugs?

NDC number National drug Code, number used to identify a specific drug. It can be used to recall drugs.

Where is the head office of kwik fit in UK?

NDC is in Derby.

How many digits in a NDC of a medication stock bottle?


Is childrens tylenos plus recalled?

In April 2010-several Children's Tylenol Plus liquid products were recalled: Tylenol Plus cherry flavor Cough &sore throat NDC code 5058024704,Tylenol plus cherry flavor Cough & runny nose-NDC code 5058024904,Tylenol plus"dye free"grapecold&stuffy nose-NDC code 5058025304,Tylenol plus"dye free"grape cold&cough-NDC code 5058025404, Tylenol plus"dye free"grape multisymptom coldNDC code5058025504,Tylenol plus Bubblegum-NDC code 5058038604,Tylenol plus grape Cold-NDC5058038704,Tylenol plus bubblegum cold &allergy-NDC code 5058039004 and Tylenol plus grape multisymptom cold-NDC 5058039104. the code is found on label above product name.consumer care phone #1-888 222 6036

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How much do drug companies profit from depression medications?

A lot. There is not a specific number, but it is a lot.

What drugs can not be prescribed over the telephone?

Most medications can be prescribed and called in to the pharmacy of your choice. The only medications that cannot be phoned in are controlled substances. Under DEA law, these substances, which include opioid pain medications and amphetamines, a written prescription, with a valid medical license number, DEA number, and signature, must be presented to the pharmacist, in order to be filled.

What are oil-based estrogen medications called?

Oil-based estrogen medications are called depot medications.

Is there any medication recommended for a dyspepsia?

There are a number of different medications that are recommended for a dyspepsia, however, it would be best to discuss them with a doctor who is qualified.

Can you take any kind of pill to prevent your penis from getting hard?

There are a number of medications that have a side-effect of impotence, the inability to have an erection.