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As people have been trying to find a script of some sort using the most powerful computers in the world for 60 years to no result, so no one can assist you in this question yet...

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Q: What is the Python script for nth prime number?
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How do you compute the nth Fibonacci number using VBScript?

<html> <body> <script type="text/vbscript"> Dim a, b, c, n, nth a = 0 b = 1 n = Cint(InputBox("Enter the value of ""n""")) For nth = 1 to n Step 1 Document.Write(b&"<br/>") c = a + b a = b b = c Next </script> </body> </html>

What is the nth term formula of prime numbers?

There is no formula for prime numbers. They form a random sequence.

What is the Nth term for a triangle number?

The Nth term for a triangle number is: 0.5n(n+1)

What is the nth term of 1 2 4 8?

Each number in this sequence is twice the previous number. The nth. term is 2n-1.Each number in this sequence is twice the previous number. The nth. term is 2n-1.Each number in this sequence is twice the previous number. The nth. term is 2n-1.Each number in this sequence is twice the previous number. The nth. term is 2n-1.

What is nth term on 281626?

It is not possible to determine an nth term from a single number.

What cannot be the nth term of an AP?

Any number can be the nth term of a suitable AP.

Which even number is 2n?

It is the nth even number.

How do you write a C program to check whether a number is prime or not and to find the nth prime number?

int number; int i=2; while (i<number) { if(number%i==0) { printf("Not a prime no."); break; } else printf("number entered is prime"); getch(); }

What is the nth term of 15131197?

A single number, such as 15131197 does not constitute a sequence, and so there cannot be an nth term.

What is the nth term of 491625?

A single number, such as 491625 does not define a sequence and so cannot have an nth term.

What does the word nth mean in maths?

nth just means some number (as in 8th, 9th, etc.)

What is the nth term of 37111519?

The single number 37111519 does not comprise a sequence.A single number such as 37111519 does not constitute a sequence and so there can be no nth term.