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Q: What is the Resistance or confrontation of that shapes the development of the plot is called?
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Resistance or confrontation that shapes the development of plot is called?

conflict: sorry its so simple.

Resistance or confrontation that shapes the development of plot?

Conflict is necessary to drive the plot forward in a story. Resistance or confrontation between characters or against external forces provide the obstacles that characters must overcome in order to achieve their goals and create tension in the narrative. This conflict can lead to character growth and development as they navigate the challenges they face.

Why do airplanes are bullet shaped?

Smooth, streamlined shapes reduce air resistance. Symmetric shapes ensure flight stability.

What are the shapes the moon seems to be called?

These shapes of the moon are called Phases

What are stearmlined shapes and how do they help in facing air and water resistance?

Streamlined shapes are shapes that almost similar to a chicken egg and they have a blunt end that faces forward. They help in facing air and water resistance since they can break through air and water easily as a result of the blunt end.

What animal has streamlined shapes that reduce air resistance as it moves?

ghxshgdhg ehidhkhd

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How does air resistance and shape affect how and object accelerates?

Air resistance increases as an object accelerates due to greater relative velocity, causing a force opposite to the direction of motion. The shape of an object can influence air resistance; streamlined shapes like aerofoils reduce resistance compared to shapes with sharp angles. Overall, air resistance can slow down acceleration by counteracting the applied force on the object.

What are 6 sided 3d shapes called?

3d shapes with six faces are called hexahedra.

How can the shapes of a boat and an airplane help them move?

They could have be sleek, smooth, and reduces air resistance.

What are the two figures that has the same size and shapes called?

congruent shapes :)

What are the shapes of minerals made by their atoms are arrange?

The shapes are called crystals.