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It is called topology

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Q: What is the study of shapes and measurement in geometry called?
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What is the study of shapes and measurements?

It is called geometry.

What is the study of space and lines?

The study of shapes and lines is called geometry. Thanks for reading!

What is the study of shapes?


Whay is geometry?

Geometry is the mathematical study and reasoning behind shapes and planes in the universe. Geometry compares shapes and structures in two or three dimemsions.Geometry is the branch of mathematics that deals with the deduction of the What_is_geometry, measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles, and figures in space from their defining conditions by means of certain assumed properties of space.In short, geometry is a type of mathematics that uses shapes and measurement.

What is geometry math?

Geometry in math is the study of shapes

What do you learn in geometry class?

the study of shapes

What is the study of shape and space?

Geometry is the mathematical study of shapes and space.

How do you use geometry in math?

Geometry is all about the study of angles, lines, planes, and shapes

Is the study of shapes and measurement?


Why is it called Geometry?

Well in geometric terms you would usually call it math of shapes, I am not so sure anybody really knows why geometry is called what it is called so... But I think it just basically means the Geometric size and study of 3D and 2D shapes!

What is the difference between trigonometry and geometry?

Trigonometry is specificly the study of a right triangle. For example, what is the cosine? Geometry is the study on shapes.

Study of sets of points and their shapes sizes and properties?
