Statistics have a very crucial role in science. They are commonly used for research and data analysis in various projects in numbers. They can be used to interpret data and make future predictions.
what is the importance of statistics?
There are many reasons why statistics in are in important in a field of computer science. These statistics help improve computers.
Statistics is considered to be a science due to its nature. There different scientific processes that are used in collecting, computing and analyzing data for statistics,.
The statistics (pl.) indicate that statistics (sing.) is a pseudo-science.
The relevance of political science to statistics and logic is that it helps politicians use the statistics collected to think logically about what their subjects need.
Criticise that statistics is a science of counting
A.L. Bowley defined statistics as"statistics is the science of counting"
what is the importance of statistics?
There are many reasons why statistics in are in important in a field of computer science. These statistics help improve computers.
Statistics in library and information science help in analyzing and interpreting data to make informed decisions about collection development, user services, and resource allocation. It also helps in measuring the impact of library services and evaluating the effectiveness of different programs and initiatives. Overall, statistics play a crucial role in evidence-based decision-making and improving the quality of library services.
Statistics is considered to be a science due to its nature. There different scientific processes that are used in collecting, computing and analyzing data for statistics,.
The statistics (pl.) indicate that statistics (sing.) is a pseudo-science.
The relevance of political science to statistics and logic is that it helps politicians use the statistics collected to think logically about what their subjects need.
Statistics play a crucial role in library and information science by helping professionals analyze and interpret data to make informed decisions. It assists in collection development, user behavior analysis, resource allocation, and evaluation of services. By utilizing statistics, libraries can enhance their efficiency, tailor services to meet user needs, and demonstrate their impact on the community.
Statistics uses mathematics, which itself is the science of relationships between numbers. This would be my best layperson's answer. Good luck!
It can help to create the statistics. Sometimes it is difficult to know the statistics are there if you do not see them on the computer.
Role of Statistics starts when we are interested in getting information from the data we are having. Making research we can generate data. But most of the time looking simply at the data it is very much tough to draw any conclusion. On analysing data we can get information. this information help in drawing conclusions and also helps in taking useful decisions. Data in the real world subjected to have errors. Only statistical analysis is feasible for error affected data, because when there the question of erroneous data comes in most case Mathematics (rather say Non-statistical mathematics??) fails. Nobdody can ignore the role of statistics in modern world. In present days theory of statistics is applied in every field of science say it is medical science, agricultural science physiology, geology or any other science.