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Q: What is the Unit cost of 60 for 5 books?
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24/5 books = 4.80 per book

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Lego's cost per unit is about 5 USD. Lego's price per unit depends on how large the unit is. If it is large it may cost 5.50 USD. But the average is about 5 USD.

Find cost of 5 books at 2.85 each?

The cost of 5 books at $2.85 each would be $14.25 in total.

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To find the total cost of 8 comic books using addition, you would add the cost of each comic book together. For example, if each comic book costs $5, you would add $5 + $5 + $5 + $5 + $5 + $5 + $5 + $5 to find the total cost of 8 comic books.

What....................................We paid $60 for 5 books, whitch is a rate of $__ per book?

60 divided by 5 is $12 per book.

If you can buy three books for 5 how much will 12 books cost?

20 $

If 5 books cost 100 dollars what is the price of 2 books?

If 5 books cost 100 dollars, then the price of 1 book is 100/5 = 20 dollars. Therefore, the price of 2 books would be 20 * 2 = 40 dollars.

the price of one book is 60 rupees. Find the price of 5 books?

The answer is 300 because 1 book costs 60 then add 60 5 times and you have your answer

Why is 5 feet the same as 60 inches?

By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that 1 ft=12 in 5 ft=12 * 5 =60 in

Does 5 feet 60 inches?

By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that 1 ft =12 in 5 ft=60 in 5 ft is equal to 60 in

What is the cost of 100 books if 75 costs 5 dollors and the rest cost 15 dollors?


Who is longer 5 feet or 53 inches?

By unit of length and mass and conversion ,we can say that 1 feet=12in 5 feet=60 inches 60 >53 in 5 ft >53 in