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Q: What is the abacus considered to be?
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Who discovered abacus?

The abacus was developed by the Babylonians in 2000 BC. Though mechanical, it is considered to be one of the earliest computers.

Can you work fractions on an abacus?

yes.! the fractional values will be considered from the right of the unit bar in abacus

Why abacus considered as first recording adding machine?

The abacus is considered the first adding machine because it was the first tool that was used to add with. There were not any counting devices until the invention of the abacus in 3000 BC.

What tool was considered to be the first calcuator?

An abacus

First known counting device?

it is the abacus. :D :D :D i got is dummies

Do abacus's contain computer systems?

An abacus is not a computer system as zero parts of the abacus are electrical. For the abacus to be a computer system, it has to have an input, output and process and store data. If even one of the following is not true then the device will not be considered a computer system. An abacus can not store data, as the human using the abacus will have to memorise the sequences instead of the abacus being able to memorise on its own.

What was invented 3000 years ago considered the first computer?


What did students use an abacus for in days gone by?

An abacus could be considered an early ancestor to the calculator. It was made of wood and had wooden beads that slid on wires and were used to calculate arithmetic problems.

Which country invented the abacus?

China invented the abacus .

How do you say abacus in Hindi?


How did the abacus occur?

How did the abacus occur?

What does an abacus have?

An Abacus has beads and strings.