normal pipe size(nps) greater than or equal to 36" double seam is used.
The fact it has no edge seam, likely means more technology was used to create the coin. The coin is still a novelty item that has no collectible value. Take it to a coin dealer and see what they offer.
To emphasize seam lines, you can flatten the seam flaps inside the garment and then sew them down on both sides of the seam on the outside of the fabric in contrasting colored thread. Another idea is to add a contrasting trim to the seams of the garment, like rick-rack, braid, or sequins.
The inside seam of a pant leg.
a seam
double channel seam
a double seam is when your sewing and you run over the stiching a second time.
they are the visible seam which are seen on both wrong and right side (eg) machine fell over laid
Jeans are constructed with several seaming techniques but the seam you are probably inquiring about is the "flat-fell" seam. Sewmetheway
There are 11 types of seams which include: abutted, enclosed, exposed, false french, flat-felled, french, fused, glued, hairline, lapped seam with raw edges, and finally overedged seam.
An architectural panel is a metal roof panel, typically consisting of a double standing seam or batten seam.
.... This question is open to interpretation. Knits and spandex sportwear/swimwear is finished on a serger or overlock machine. Two neat stitch lines appear on the 'right' side of the garment. When you reverse the fabric you see that these stitch lines are connected (overlocked). Double stitched may refer to two rows of stitching you typically see on Denim jeans. This is a flat felled seam- no loose ends or seams to overcast to prevent the denim from unravelling. A double stitched seam may be straight stitching on a seam and then stitching another row alongside it.
To make a French seam you sew your seam right sides together. at 5/8th in.... Then you trim away half of one side of the seam.... Then you press the seam towards the shorter half. Then you fold the longer half over the narrower half and press..... then you stitch up the flat open side..... that makes a double sewn seam called Frenched seaming.
A plain seam is easy, and very simple.It helps the fabric lie flat.It's the most common seam.You don't need to change needles or settings for a plain seam.
To sew a concealed seam first sew the seam with the right side out wards, (the opposite way to how you would normally sew a seam). Next trim off the edges of the seam quite close to the stitch line. Lastly, turn the garment inside out and re-sew the seam close to the first stitching, you have now enclosed the first seam with its raw edges inside the second seam.
The three types of seam are Plain seam, French seam and Ancient or Old German flat seam.
a curved seam is a seam that is curved