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Q: What is the age group of the greatest generation?
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Who is the greatest actor of this generation?

The greatest actor of this generation is Zac Efron.

How do you spell genertion?

The likely word is spelled "generation" (age group, or making energy).

What is the meaning of young generation?

The younger age group. Like children, toddlers and teens.

What age group is commonly affected by macular degeneration?

Macular generation is the gradual loss of vision and it usually affects senior citizens. However, macular generation is indiscriminate and can affect anyone of any age.

Is Jiraya the same age group of Yondaime?

No, Jiraya is 1 generation older than the Fourth Hokage.

For which age group is Saga Car Insurance designed?

Saga car insurance is a British Company that caters to the older generation. Saga car insurance is designed for the age group of people older than age 50.

What is a a synonym for the word generation?

collective, general, common, wide, comprehensive, universal, blanket, inclusive

What does the term generation refer to?

Beat Generation refers to a group of writers who were at the top of their game in the 1940s. They did not share style of writing as much as the same social group.

What are the release dates for The Greatest Generation - 2010?

The Greatest Generation - 2010 was released on: USA: 30 January 2010

What age group does Generation X encompass?

Generation X encompasses the age group of people born after the Western post-World War II baby boom. This term became popular after Douglas Coupland released his film Generation X: Tales of an Accelerated Culture.

When was Love Generation - group - created?

Love Generation - group - was created in 2010.

What are two of the eras that Americas greatest generation survived through?

The 'America's Greatest Generation' survived The Great Depression, then World War II.