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From youth to age 21.

AnswerWhat age group is mostly affected by domestic violence?
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Q: What age group is most affected by domestic violence?
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Related questions

What services are most need by individuals or families affected by domestic violence against women?

Immediate emergency shelter is one of the most needed things by survivors of domestic violence. Without this they may have to stay in abusive relationships and may not make it out alive.

About the dangers of domestic violence?

There are many dangers involved in domestic violence. A victim of domestic violence can be affected mentally, physically, financially and even spiritually. The ultimate danger is the loss of life at the hands of the abuser.

Which age group is most likey to suffer domestic violence?

Research has shown that women between the ages of 18-34 are at the highest risk of experiencing domestic violence. However, it is important to note that domestic violence can affect individuals across all age groups.

Why people are againt domestic violence?

People are against domestic violence because of the effect on the family and society. Domestic violence has both emotional and physical effect.

How is domestic violence a womens issue?

Women are considered the victims of most domestic violence. Because of their weak nature physically.

How is domestic violence seen by society?

Domestic violence is seen by the society as harmful. Violence can to lead to divorce and separation most time leads children into crime.

Where do the most cops get killed?

domestic violence calls

Which laws include domestic violence?

Most notably the Violence Against Women Act. However, the vast majority of domestic violence offenses are prosecuted under state law.

Are there colors to represent Domestic Violence?

Purple. Traditionally if you see ribbons on cars or on people supporting domestic violence initiatives, they will be wearing or using shades of purple. This will be most noticeable in October, National Domestic Violence Month in the US.

Is domestic violence caused by substance abuse?

Most domestic violence are caused by substance abuse. Such as alcohol, and drugs. In most cases people tend to be abuse when they under the influence of these substance.

Causes of domestic violence in Africa.?

Most causes of domestic violence are misunderstanding. Inability of the couple to understand the point of view of the other. Violence can arise from dishonesty, especially when people feel they are cheated.

What age group is most likely to suffer domestic violence?

1 in 3 women experience physical assault women are most likely to be killed by husband, ex boyfriend , boyfriend , spouses and ex spouses women ages 19 - 29 and make an income of 10,000$ or less are likely to be victims of domestic violence.