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Without knowing the angular speed, i.e. RPM or some such velocity, it is not possible to answer the question. Please restate the question, giving all of the required information.

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Q: What is the angular momentum of the 2.6 kg 5.6 cm diameter rotating disk.?
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What optical disc has a diameter of 3 inches or less?

mini disk

How do you Convert revolution per minute to liters?

You cannot in any sensible way. RPM is a measure of (angular) velocity whereas litres is a measure of volume. Your hard disk will have an rpm but what does litres mean in terms of the disk?

How do spirals form?

Spiral galaxies form from the collapse of a protogalactic cloud. Spiral galaxies consist of three components: a rotating disk, a bulge and a halo. Spiral galaxies, like the Milky Way, owe their shape to stars inside the protogalaxy developing at different intervals. The gas between forming stars continues to be compressed, and the resulting gravitational differences manhandle the protogalaxy's stars, dust and gas. When the protogalactic cloud collapses, the stars in the bulge and halo form first. These stars have rather random orbits around the galactic center. The galactic center probably contains a supermassive black hole, which likely exerts some gravitational influence on the formation of a spiral galaxy. The remainder of the cloud forms a disk due to the conservation of angular momentum (the same effect as the spinning up of the dancer when she pulls her arms inside). This motion forces everything into a rotating disk, and additional differences in gravity build the spiral arms. Oppositely, when a protogalaxy's stars develop at the same time, you have an elliptical galaxy on your hands. The stars in the disk form later and thus the disk population of stars are younger than those in the bulge and the halo. Further, the stars in the disk rotate around the center of the galaxy in a collective, well defined way unlike the stars in the bulge and halo.

What is rotating concentric cylinder viscometer?

this unit basically consist of two concentric cylinders and a small intervening annular space contains the test fluids whose viscosity is to be determined.The outer cylinder is rotated at a constant angular speed. the viscous drag due to the liquid between the cylinders produce a torque on the inner cylinder, which would rotate if it was not restrained by an equal and opposite torque developed by torsion wire. as the spring torque is proportional to the angle through which it turns, therefor the angular moment of the pointer on a fixed disk is used as a measure of viscosity.

Is a flat round portabile metal storage medium that usually is 4.75 inches in diameter and less than one twentieth of 1 inch thick?

compact disk

Related questions

When a star is forming why doesn't all the material in the disk fall into the center?

The material in the disk has too much angular momentum to fall into the center and instead remains in orbit.

How does the idea of a Rotating disk in the nebular model explain certain observed celestial phenomena?

The rotating disk in the nebular model explains the observed phenomena of planets and moons orbiting the Sun in a flat plane rather than moving randomly or in all directions. It also accounts for the conservation of angular momentum, where the rotation rate of the disk slows down as it contracts due to the law of conservation of angular momentum, leading to the formation of planets.

Why do the planets orbit in many different planes?

The planets in our solar system orbit in different planes because they formed from a rotating disk of gas and dust around the young Sun. The angular momentum of this rotating disk caused the planets to form in different planes. Over time, gravitational interactions between the planets and other celestial bodies can further perturb their orbits, leading to even greater differences in orbital inclinations.

A 75 kg person is running at 2.5 ms along the outside of a stationary merry-go-round when they jump on the outside rim The merry-go-round is a 75 kg disk of radius R2m What is the angular speed of the?

The angular speed of the merry-go-round can be calculated using the conservation of angular momentum. By incorporating the initial linear momentum of the person into angular momentum, you can determine the final angular speed of the merry-go-round when the person jumps on it. Given the person's mass, velocity, and the merry-go-round's mass and radius, you can solve for the angular speed of the system.

What is the tangential acceleration of a bug on the rim of a 7.0 in diameter disk if the disk moves from rest to an angular speed of 75 revolutions per minute in 4.0 s?

First, convert the angular speed to rad/s: 75 revolutions per minute is 75 * 2π radians per minute. In 4.0 seconds, the angular speed changes to 75 * 2π / 60 radians per second. Then, use the formula for tangential acceleration for an object on the rim of a rotating disk: a_t = r*α, where r is the radius of the disk (0.175 m) and α is the angular acceleration. Calculate the tangential acceleration with the given information.

Explain why the material surrounding a young star forms a disk?

The prograde rotation of the collapsing cloud of gas and dust results in conservation of angular momentum, causing the material to flatten into a disk shape. This disk of material, known as a protoplanetary disk, is where planets are thought to form through the process of accretion and gravitational interactions.

Does an accretion disk spin?

Yes, an accretion disk does spin due to the conservation of angular momentum. Material in the accretion disk orbits around the central object, such as a black hole or a star, with velocities that result in rotation or spin.

Does angular speed depend on distance?

No, angular speed does not depend on distance. Angular speed is the rate at which an object rotates around a specific point, typically measured in radians per second or degrees per second. Distance is not a factor in determining angular speed.

Why and how do planets and moons revolve?

Five billion years ago, the original disk of gas and dust from which celestial bodies were formed had a certain momentum. This momentum was conserved and when dust and gravel pulled together to build the planets the momentum turned into angular momentum. This caused the original rotation that is still visible today. There are very few and weak forces that are slowing rotation.

Is the angular diameter of the moon is smaller than that of the sun?

Yes, the angular diameter of the Moon is smaller than that of the Sun. The Moon's angular diameter varies between approximately 29 to 34 arcminutes, while the Sun's angular diameter is about 32 arcminutes on average.

Large gas cloud can collapse to become a much smaller spinning disk of gas and What law explains why the center of the cloud becomes so much hotter as the cloud shrinks in size?

As the gas cloud collapses, conservation of angular momentum causes it to rotate faster and flatten into a disk due to conservation of angular momentum. The increase in temperature at the center is due to gravitational potential energy being converted into kinetic energy as the cloud shrinks in size, leading to increased collisions between gas particles and the generation of heat at the core.

Why are galaxies are a disk and not like a spherical object?

Galaxies are disk-shaped because of angular momentum conservation during their formation. As the gas and dust collapsed to form galaxies, the conservation of angular momentum caused the material to align in a disk-like shape rather than a spherical one. This disk shape allows for stable orbiting of stars and other matter within the galaxy.