The word form is discrete!
13 in word form is: thirteen.thirteen
12 in word form is twelve.
The word form is eleven.
How to write 64.218 in word form
If the symbol is not available on your keyboard, it can be entered using the character map, or by using alt+code commands. Example, ñ, an alternate form of n in spanish is summoned by the keystrokes alt+0241 (hold down the alt key and type 0241 sequentially).
alt + 0241
.0241, .024000000000000001 and 0.24000000000000000000000000000001
i found it on ngk #2238
First, you push the ALT button on your keyboard but don't let go, then press 164 and then let go and you will get this: ñ! You could also do ALT and press 0241 and you could also get the same thing!
First you press the ALT button on the keyboard and as you are pressing it type the numbers 164 and then let go of the buttons and you'll get this ñ. The four-digit codes for lowercase and uppercase are 0241 and 0209. Hold ALT and press the four numbers: 0241 = ñ 0209 = Ñ
The phone number of the Hill House is: 757-393-0241.
Hold down the ALT key and type 0241 on the numerical pad. This should produce ñ.
Español. To get the ñ, on a Windows PC, hold down Alt on your keyboard and type the number 0241 on the numeric keypad.
The address of the Adamsville Public Library is: 4825 Main Street, Adamsville, 35005 0241
The address of the Yutan Public Library is: 502 3Rd Street, Yutan, 68073 0241
The address of the Matthews Public Library is: 102 West Main Street, Fredericksburg, 17026 0241