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10 (square root of 25 is 5, then that times 2)

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Q: What is the answer to 2 square root of 25?
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Is the square root of 25 an integer?

Square root of 25 = 251/2 = 5, which is an integer. So the square root of 25 is integer.

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What can be added to make 25 that can also be multiplied to make 30?

The numbers are: (25-square root of 505)/2 and (25+square root of 505)/2

What number is 2 less than the square root of 625?

The square root of 625 is 25, and 2 less than 25 is 23.

What is the square root of 1250 in radical form?

25 times the square root of 2

If 5 is the square root of 25 what is the square and what is the square root?

'Squared' & 'Square Root; are the inverse mathemtical functions. 5 (squared) = 25 square root of '25' is 5 Mathematically this would be written as Square ; 5 x 5 = 5^(2) = 25 Square Root ; sqrt(25) = 25^(1/2) = 25^(0.5) = 5 NB THis can be exteneded to 'cubes' and 'cube roots' e.g. 3 x 3 x 3 = 3^(3) = 27 curt(27) = 27^(1/3) = 27^(0.3333.....) - 3 And fourth power and fourth root. e.g. Fourth power ; 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 2^(4) = 16 Fourth root = (4th)rt(16) = 16^(1/4) = 16^(0.25) = 2 It can be exteneded to the 'nth power' and the 'nth root'. Where 'n' is any number.

What is that square root of fraction 20 over 25?

The square root of fraction 20 over 25: = √20 ...√25 = √4(5) ......5 = 2√5 .....5 or 2 square root of 5 over 5

What is the square root of 25?


What 25 to the power of a half?

Something to the power of 1/2 is the same as the square root of a number so 25 to the power of a 1/2 = the square root of 25 = 5

What is the square root of 624?

25^2 = 625 Hence square root of 624 is very close to 25, it is exactly = 24.97999199