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Q: What is the answer to 2x-10 2x and 5 4x-2x?
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1/(x-5) = 4/(2x)4(x-5) = 2x4x - 20 = 2x2x = 20x = 10_______________________________Check:1/(10-5) ?=? 4/(2x10)1/5 ?=? 4/201/5 = 1/5 yay!

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Without an equality sign the given terms can't be considered as equations but if you mean -2x = 10 and -5x = 25 then they are both equivalent inasmuch that the value of x in both equations works out as -5

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-2x = y^5 or y^5 = -2x y = (-2x)^(1/5)

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Without an equality sign the given terms can't be considered as equations but if you mean -2x = 10 and -5x = 25 then they are both equivalent inasmuch that the value of x in both equations works out as -5

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4x + 1 = 2x + 5 Subtract '1' frp, bpth sides Hence 4x = 2x + 4 Subtract '2x' from botbh sides 2x = 4 Divide both sides by '2' x = 2 The answer!!!!!!