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Solve for x:

3x + y = 9 is the same as -3x + 9 = y

Since you now know the equation for y you can plug it into the first equation:

3x + (-3x + 9) = 9

After solving, you will see that x cancels out and that 9 = 9.

Solve for y:

3x + y = 9 is the same as 3 - y/3 = x

Since you now know the equation for x you can plug it into the first equation:

3(3 - y/3) + y = 9

After solving, you will also see that y cancels out and that 9 = 9.

The Answer:

There are actually two posibble answers:

1.) y = 9 and x = 0

If you plug the numbers in then you will get 3(0) + (9) = 9

The answer is 9 = 9

2.) y = 0 and x = 3

If you plug the numbers in then you will get 3(3) + (0) = 9

This will also give you the answer 9 = 9

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