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The general rule for resistances in parallel (to find out the equivalent resistance) is: 1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + ... The same rule can be used for impedances (just replace resistance by impedance). So, you just have to divide 1 by each of the impedances, add the results together, then take the reciprocal. Note that addition and subtraction with complex numbers is easier if the numbers are in rectangular coordinates, whereas multiplication and division is easier if they are in polar coordinates. Also note that most scientific calculators have the capacity to convert between polar and rectangular coordinates. Check your calculator manual for details.

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Q: What is the answer to the question three parallel impedances Z1 Z2 and Z3 are represented by the complex numbers Z1 equals 2 plus j Z2 equals 1 plus j and Z3 equals j squared answer in polar cartesian?
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