If you mean: x squared = 121 then the value of x is 11 otherwise there is no answer to the given expression
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It is not possible to answer the question. The fact that there are four lengths suggests that the lot is a shape in 4-dimensional hyperspace. In that case I not sure that a meaningful measure of the total square footage can be given. Al alternative is that these are the measures of the four sides of a quadrilateral. A quadrilateral is not a rigid shape. It can be flexed through infinitely many shapes - from a thin long shape to a near rectangle and the area will vary hugely according to the shape. It is, therefore. not possible to calculate the square footage.
Here's a pretty good deck I made:17 Monsters:Aqua Madoor x1Exxod, Master of the Guard x1Card Trooper x1Marshmallon x1Arcana Force 0- The Fool x1Criosphinx x1Giant Soldier of Stone x1Hieracosphinx x1Muka Muka x1Des Lacooda x1Gigantes x1Illusionist Faceless Mage x1Guardian Sphinx x1Revival Jam x1Ryu-Ran x1Cyber Valley x1Royal Magical Library x121 Spells:Hammer Shot x2Chorus of Sanctuary x1Graceful Charity x1Nightmare's Steelcage x1The Reliable Guardian x1Card Trader x1Last Will x1Lightning Vortex x1Book of Moon x1Back to Square One x1Remove Trap x1Mystical Space Typhoon x2Fissure x1Dark Hole x1Tribute to the Doomed x1Marshmallon Glasses x1Swords of Revealing Light x2Final Countdown x121 TrapsMagic Cylinder x1Waboku x3Sakuretsu Armor x2Needle Ceiling x1Magic Jammer x1Ordeal of a Traveler x2Raigeki Break x1Jar of Greed x2Torrential Tribute x1Dark Bribe x1Compulsory Evacuation Device x3Threatening Roar x1Reckless Greed x1Scrap-Iron ScarecrowWell, there's the deck the strategies that I mostly use are:Play Final Countdown then play Scrap-IronScarecrow, Dark Bribe, and a Mystical Space Typhoon face down and when ever your opponent attacks play Scrap-Iron Scarecrow and when they destroy Scrap-Iron Scarecrow with Mystical Space Typhoon or something play Dark Bribe or play Dark Bribe when they play a spell or trap card to destroy Final Countdown