Unfortunately, the browser used by Answers.com for posting questions is incapable of accepting mathematical symbols. This means that we cannot see the mathematically critical parts of the question. We are, therefore unable to determine what exactly the question is about and so cannot give a proper answer to your question. Please edit your question to include words for symbols and any other relevant detail.
You integrate each element of the matrix.
int[e(2X) +e(- 2X)] integrate term by term 1/22 e(2X) - 1/22 e(- 2X) + C (1/4)e(2X) - (1/4)e(- 2X) + C ====================
e 2x = (1/2) e 2x + C ============
Depends on the DVR type and options and what you want to integrate too. More info please.
You may integrate this term by term with the power rule as it is additive. int(17X - 1) dx = (17/2)X2 - 1X + C ==============
Commanders direct operations and integrate the BOS through plans and orders.
answers.com lacks the facilities for writing this answer well. I suggest that you go to wolframalpha.com and enter the following query: integrate sin(x^2+1)
The Rorschach (inkblot) test. It measures the ability to integrate intellectual and emotional factors.
No, society shouldn't integrate immigrants into one national lifestyle. Immigrants should keep their heritage and allow people to learn by experiencing what they have to offer.
get the after market wiring harness
(This is a bit subjective). Servlets can integrate easily into an existing Java application or applet, simply because a servlet is just another class, which is a fundamental concept taught to almost every java programmer.
to integrate 45x, you fisrt take note of the indices which is one you then take this idicies and add one to it this gives you 45x^1+1=45x^2 then u proceed by taking that resulting indices and dividing the function by this figure this gives [45x^2]/2 this is now the resulting integral