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The answer is 0. For example, 1/3 - 1/3 = 0/3 which is equal to 0.

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Q: What is the answer when you subtract and get 0 is in the numerator?
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Subtract the numerator Subtract or add the numerator Subtract or add the numerator ex: 3/4-1/4=2/4 or 1/2 ex: 5/8 + 1/8= 6/8 or 3/4

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if they have the same denominator just subtract it . if it doesn't than find the denominator.

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you subtract the numerator but the denominator stays the same.

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If the numerator is 0, the fraction equals 0.

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If the numerator is 0, the fraction equals 0, because there is no part of the whole.

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If the numerator is 0 AND the denominator is not 0, then the ratio is 0. And cosine of 0 is 1.

How do you subtract a fraction?

Find a common denominator (make sure you multiply BOTH the numerator and the denominator) then subtract the numerators and simplify if necessary.

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If the numerator is 0 then, provided the denominator is not 0, the answer is always 0.

Can you subtract 0 from 5?

if you subtract 0 from 5 is still 5. but if you subtract 5 from 0 then it would be -5.

What if there is nothing in the numerator but something is in the denominator?

It is not possible to have nothing. If you don't have anything in numerator, it will be 0 (zero) by default. And when there is 0 in numerator, it doesn't matters what number is in denominator because the answer will be 0 only. So if there is nothing in the numerator but something is in the denominator, the answer will be 0.

How do you subtract a bigger numerator from a smaller numerator?

Subtract the other way, then add a minus sign. For example, to subtract 6 - 8, you subtract 8 - 6, get the answer 2, then add a minus sign to get -2. Don't forget to subtract numerators you need a common denominator first. For example 1/4 - 3/8 = 2/8 - 38 = -1/8

How do you subtract fractions with a common denominator?

If the two bottom numbers are the same, you will carry that same number over to the denominator in the answer. To get the numerator (top number) simply subtract the two numerator and place the number over the answer denominator.