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That should be approximately 50%, considering that the Earth is round, and the Sun is almost a point-source at a fairly large distance (compared to the size of the Earth). This does not consider clouds or mountains blocking sunlight. Considering that we don't see the Sun exactly as a point, as well as atmospheric refraction, the actual percentage is somewhat larger - once again, if you don't consider mountains or clouds.

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Q: What is the approximate percentage of the earth that is illuminted by the sun?
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Is the sun 93 million miles from earth?

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Is the speed of revolution of earth is 30 km per sec?

Yes, that is the approximate speed of Earth, as it goes around the Sun. The exact speed depends on whether Earth is at periapsis or apapsis, but 30 km/sec. is a good approximation.Yes, that is the approximate speed of Earth, as it goes around the Sun. The exact speed depends on whether Earth is at periapsis or apapsis, but 30 km/sec. is a good approximation.Yes, that is the approximate speed of Earth, as it goes around the Sun. The exact speed depends on whether Earth is at periapsis or apapsis, but 30 km/sec. is a good approximation.Yes, that is the approximate speed of Earth, as it goes around the Sun. The exact speed depends on whether Earth is at periapsis or apapsis, but 30 km/sec. is a good approximation.

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Earth revolves around the Sun at an average speed of about 67,000 miles per hour or 107,000 kilometers per hour. This speed varies slightly as Earth moves in an elliptical orbit. It takes about 365.25 days for Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun.

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You can approximate Earth's orbit as a circle, and therefore use the formula for the circumference of a circle. The radius is the distance Sun-Earth (150 million kilometers).

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Sunlight travels as electromagnetic radiation from the Sun to the Earth. It passes through the vacuum of space and reaches Earth's atmosphere, where it penetrates and warms the surface of the planet.

What is the approximate of the sun?

The sun has many measurable features, which include distance from the Earth, diameter, weight, brightness, temperature. You need to say what you are asking about.

What percentage of the sun makes earth?

This question does not make any sense.

When the earth revolves around the sun how far has the earth traveled?

This is an approximate answer. The Earth is 93 million miles from the sun. The circumference or orbit is 2 * pi * r , so 2 x 3.14 x 93 million = 584 million miles. Note this is approximate since the suns radius needs to be taken into consideration

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