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Q: What is the approximate surface area of a regular tetrahedron with edge length 10 cm?
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What the total surface area of the regular tetrahedron?

A regular tetrahedron, with edges of length 1 units, has a total surface area of sqrt(3) square units.

Is the tetrahedron a regular polyhedron?

Not necessarily. If all faces are equilateral triangles (all edges are equal length) then it is a regular polyhedron.

What is the formula to find the volume of a tetrahedron?

If the area of the base of the tetrahedron is A square units and the vertical height is h units, then the volume is V = 1/3*A*h cubic units. If the tetrahedron is regular, with sides of length of length s units, then V = sqrt(2)/12*s3 cubic units.

How do you define platonic solids?

the five regular (same side length and angle measure) solids- dodecahedron, tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron

What is the volume of the regular tetrahedron?

given the length of a side as S, the volume is: SQRT(2)*S3/12 Where SQRT(2) is the square root of 2 (~1,414) and S3 is the length of a side cubed.

What are the ratios of edge length of one small tetrahedron to the large tetrahedron?

The ratios are "small to large".

What is the surface area of a tetrahedron pyramid when all its edges are 12 cm in length?

Surface area of the pyramid: 4*0.5*144*sin(60) = 249 square cm to 3 significant figures

What is the approximate area of the car park?

The approximate length multiplied by the approximate width.

How many gallons of gas does a 2001 venture hold?

Specifications say: Standard/Regular (length) - 20.5 gallons Optional/Extended - 25.5 gallons Note: these are approximate.

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The approximate length of light in Jupiter's atmosphere is about 44 minutes.

What are the elements of the foam tetrahedron?

The foam tetrahedron consists of four equilateral triangles connected along their sides, forming a pyramid-like shape with a triangular base and three triangular faces. Each face of the tetrahedron is an equilateral triangle, and the edges of the foam tetrahedron are all of equal length.

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