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German Haag

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Q: What is the approximate volume of a tree trunk if the trunk is 13 feet tall with a circumference of 4.5 feet?
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What is the approximate volume of a tree trunk if the trunk is 12 feet tall with a circumference of 4.5 feet?

19.54 ft^3 APEX

What is the approximate volume of a tree trunk if the trunk is 15 feet tall with a circumference of 4.5 feet?

Answer this question… 24.43 ft3

What is the approximate volume of a tree trunk if the trunk is 13 feet tall with a circumference of 4.5?

The volume of a tree trunk can be estimated using the formula for the volume of a cylinder: V = πr^2h, where r is the radius and h is the height. Given the circumference (C = 2πr), we can find the radius (r = C/(2π) = 4.5/(2π)) and then calculate the volume using V = π(4.5/(2π))^2 * 13 = approximately 134.23 cubic feet.

What is the approximate circumference of a circle with a radius of 16 feet?

100.53 feet.

What is the approximate circumference of a circle that has a diameter of 11 feet?

35 feet.

What is the volume of a cylinder when inside circumference is 12 feet and height is 8 feet?

The volume of a cylinder when the inside circumference is 12 feet and height is 8 feet is: 91.7 cubic feet.

What is the approximate volume of a sphere that has a diameter of 10 ft?

The sphere's approximate volume is 523.6 cubic feet.

What is the approximate circumference of 9 feet?

If its the diameter you have, then take pi as 3, multiply by the diameter, in this case 3 * 9 = 27 feet circumference approx.

What is the circumference of a cylinder if the height is 10 feet and the volume is 88.3 cubic feet?

It is 10.5 feet.

What is the approximate circumference of a 30 foot circle?

Assuming 30 feet is the diameter, its 94.2ft

What would be the total number of feet for a circle shaped pool of a diameter of 21?

Circumference (perimeter) = pi * diameter = 3.141592654 * 21 = 65.973 feet Surface area = pi * radius 2 = 3.141592654 * 10.5 * 10.5 = 346.36 sq. feet Volume (cu feet) = 346.36 * depth in feet . Volume * 7.4805 = US gallons Volume * 6.2288 = imp gallons (results approximate)

Find the volume to the nearest tenth of a sphere with a circumference of 12 feet?

First we have to find the radius by dividing the circumference by 2*pi which works out as 1.909859317 feet Volume of a sphere = 4/3*pi*radius3 Volume = 29.18050088 or 29.2 cubic feet to the nearest tenth