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Q: What is the area between two lines in math?
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in math and arthmetic

What are two lines in math?

Two lines in math are called parallel lines. They never intersect or cross over each other. Therefore they are like train tracks that never touch.

The distance between two contour lines indicates?

The distance between two contour lines indicates the difference in elevation between those two lines. It represents a consistent vertical interval (e.g., 10 feet) and helps in visualizing the topography of the land.

What was the area between the two opposing lines of soldiers called?

No man's landThe area between two trenches or lines of soldiers is known as "no man's land." This phrase was used in World War I to describe the area of land between fighting groups that no man wanted to enter for fear of being killed.

What is the definition of angle as in math?

Angles: an angle is the rate of spread or distance between two lines, which are connected at one point.Additional AnswerAngles are typically defined as the space that separates two or more lines/planes diverging from a common point. (I.e. how open the space is between two lines that touch each other.)

What does a math segment look like?

When you draw a circle, and draw a triangle within it. Two of the lines of the circle should be the radius, and the third bottom line will be the chord. The segment of a circle is the area between the chord and the arc length.

An angle inside a polygon or angles formed in the area between two lines?

=D i think itssurface area =D

Is a parallel a line of symmetry?

If two lines are parallel then the area of the plane between them is symmetrical about its centre-line (parallel to and mid-way between the boundary lines).

How can you calculate the area of an angle?

As far as my math knowledge tells me, angles have no area. angles and areas are both measurements to measure a subject. since angle is not a subject, it cannot be measured. however, angle between two lines can be measured but still, without a third line, it is impossible to find an area for it.

When are you allowed to drive on an area of the roadway between two sets of solid yellow lines?


What is a Vertex in Math?

a vertex is the place where two lines meet.

What is the math term for two lines crossing?

i need help