The area of Denman Wildlife Area is 7,122,467.303424001 square meters.
Carpet area is carpet area and retail area is retail area
Area having a common drainage is catchment area, whereas area which is uses that water from common drainage area is command area.
Built up area is the area which has been developed.and floor area is the area which is about to built or about to develope.
The area of Siffleur Wilderness Area is 412.14 square kilometers.
The area of triangle is : 60.0
Denman Wildlife Area was created in 1954.
The area of Denman Island is 51.03 square kilometers.
The area of Spenceville Wildlife Area is 46.328 square kilometers.
The area of Summer Lake Wildlife Area is 76.652 square kilometers.
The area of Dean Creek Wildlife Area is 4,208,730.679296 square meters.
The area of Lauderdale Wildlife Management Area is 73.629 square kilometers.
The area of Dierssen Wildlife Management Area is 161,874.256896 square meters.
The area of Tosohatchee Wildlife Management Area is 113.312 square kilometers.
The area of Millington Wildlife Management Area is 16.187 square kilometers.
The area of Fern Ridge Wildlife Area is 20.275 square kilometers.
The area of Bridge Creek Wildlife Area is 61.536 square kilometers.
The area of Driftless Area National Wildlife Refuge is 3,286,006.946424576 square meters.