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A=pi*(45/2)2 = 1589.625 square feet if pi=3.14

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Q: What is the area of a circle if the diameter is 45 feet?
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What is the square feet of a circle with a diameter of 45 feet?

A 45-foot diameter circle has an area of 1,590.4 square feet.

What is the area of a circle 90 feet in diameter?

Using 3.14 as Pi the area of circle is: 6358.500000000001

How many square feet in a circle that is 45 feet in diameter?

Area of circle = Pi x diameter2/4 = 3.142 x 49/4 = 38.49 sq ft

How many square feet in 45 foot diameter circle?


What is the area of a circle if the diameter of the circle is 45?

Using 3.14 as Pi the area of circle is: 1589.6250000000002

How many square feet in a 45 foot diameter circle?

1,590.43 ft2

How many Square feet in a 45 ft circumference circle?

A 45-foot circumference circle has an area of: 161.1 square feet.

How many linear feet surrounding a 12 foot circle?

The circumference of a 12-foot-diameter circle is 37.7 feet.

What is a diameter of a circle with a circumference of 45 cm?

The diameter of a circle with a circumference of 45 cm is: about 14.32 cm

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 45 inches?

The circumference of a circle with a diameter of 45 inches is 141.37 inches.

What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 70 mm?

area=pi r squared the r is the radius which is half of the diameter so area =pi mulitplied by 45 squared which is 6361.725124mm

How much water is in a 27' round pool that is 45 feet deep?

Volume = Area x Depth Area of a circle = Pi * R^2 Pi = 3.1415 Radius = Diameter / 2 Diameter = 27 Radius = 13.5 Depth = 45 Volume = 3.1415 x 13.5^2 x 45 = 3.1415 x 182.25 x 45 = 572.54 x 45 = 25,764 cu. ft.