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Divide the diameter by 2 to get the radius. Then use the standard formula for the area of a circle (area = pi x radius2).

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Q: What is the area of a circle with the diameter of 20 meters?
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What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 20 meters?

Diameter is 20 meters, hence radius is 10 meters. Area of circle = pi * r * r = 3.1415 * 10 * 10 = 3.1415 * 100 = 314.15 square meters

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If the circumference of a circle is 62.8 meters the diameter is: 20 meters.

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The area of a circle with a diameter of 20 cm is: 314.2 cm2

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If the area of a circle is 20 square inches the diameter is: 5.046 inches.

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Find the area of a circle with the diameter of 40m?

The area of a circle is (pi) times (the radius)2. The radius of the given circle is 1/2 of the diameter = 20m. Area = (pi) times (20)2 = 400(pi) = 1,256.64 square meters(rounded)

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A cylinder with a height of 20 meters and a diameter of 10 meters has a surface area of 785.4m2

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If the diameter of a circle 20 cm is tripled the area will increase from 314.2 cm2 to 2,827 cm2

If the area of a circle is 314 square units what is the diameter length?

The diameter of the circle works out as 20 units to the nearest whole number

Is the area of a circle with a diameter of 20 feet?

314 ft2

What is the area of a circle with diameter 20 feet?

314 ft2

If a circle has the diameter of 40 in what is the area?

Area of circle: pi*20^2 = 400*pi square units