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You multiply the rectangle's length x width (L x W). The result is in square units. For example, if the length and width are in centimeters, the area will be in square centimeters.

Take the following rectangle as an example:


| . . . . . . . . .| 3 (Height / Length)


6 (Width)

Using the formula L x W, we can substitute in 3for L and 6 for W.

3 x 6 equals 18, so the area of this rectangle is 18 units2

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Q: What is the area of a regtangle?
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They are all misspelled.

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Because you are already using centimetres as a linear dimension, the area will be expressed as square centimetres.

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Either a parallelogram a trapezoid a rectangle or a rhombus.

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a square...........regtangle............i hope this helps :)

Is a square a regtangle?

no a square is where all the sides are even and a rectangle is where two sides parralel to each other are longer. the other two r shortr.

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On the comp. screen, next to the date, press the little regtangle. This will take you to the screen where you can change both the date and time.

Would you say a rectangle is a special type of square?

Yes, actually a rectangle is a type of square.

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can you help me please i have a suzuki sierra 1984 model above the distrubiter the is a white regtangle with a spring at the back of it with one wire going to the distrubiter help would be great thank you Steve