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Q: What is the area of a square with a side of 1.2 cm?
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What is the total surface area of cube of side 12 cm?

It is 12*12*6 = 864 square cm

What is the Area of square with perimeter 48cm with solution?

Each side of the square will have a length of 12cm and its area is 12*12 = 144 square cm

What is the side length of a 144cm square?

We have no idea what "a 144cm square" means. If you mean to say "a square with an area of 144 square cm", then its side length is 12 cm.

If a regular hexagon shares a side with a square and the perimeter of the hexagon is 72 cm what is the area of the square?

If the perimeter of the hexagon is 72, then each side of the hexagon is 72/6 = 12. Therefore, one side of the square is also 12, since the hexagon and the square share a side, so the area of the square is 12 x 12 = 144 cm.

The area of a square is 144 square centimeters. What is the length of one side of the square?

One side of the square is 12 cm in length

If the area of a square is 144 square centimeters what is the length of the side?

The area of a square is S2 where S is the length of one side. So the length of the side of the square is the SQROOT(AREA) or SQROOT(144cm2), which is 12 cm

What is the length of each side of a square that has an area of 4 cm?

area of square = side * side side = sqrt (area ) = sqrt (49 ) =7 cm so, the approximate side length of an area that is 49 cm squared is 7 cm.

What is the area of a square that is 3 cm on a side?

The area of a square that is 3 cm on a side is 9 cm2.

What is the area of a square of side 8 cm?

A square with a side length of 8 cm has an area of 64 cm2

What is the area of a square with 2 cm long?

A square with a side length of 2 cm has an area of 4 square cm.

What is the area of a square that is 2cm long?

1 side of square = 2cm area of square = side x side so, area= 2x2 = 4 cm^2

If the sides of a square are lengthened by 4 cm the area becomes 256 square cm find the length of a side if the original square?

New area = 256 so new side = sqrt 256 = 16 so old side = 12 (so old area = 144)